You Are Unsubscribed from the Global Footwear Awards (GFA) Community

We’re sorry to see you go, but we want to express our gratitude for being a part of the Global Footwear Awards community. Your support and involvement have contributed to our mission of acknowledging excellence, creativity, innovation, sustainability, and social impact in the shoe industry.

GFA provides an international platform for professionals and students to showcase their footwear designs and innovative solutions. We believe in empowering individuals to make a difference, from concept to manufacturing and beyond.

Should you ever decide to rejoin our community, we’ll be here to welcome you back with open arms. In the meantime, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your past support and involvement.

Wishing you continued success in all your endeavors, and may your journey be filled with innovative strides.

UniversityRhode Island School Of Design
Lead Designer
Ye Shen

University: Rhode Island School Of Design. Lead Designer: Ye Shen